10 reasons why schools love Lab4Physics
By Lab4U Team
10 reasons why schools love Lab4Physics
Lab4Physics is an educational solution designed to help physics teachers and students conduct scientific experiments in and out of the classroom. Here are 10 reasons why schools love us:
1 Lab4Physics replaces the need for schools to acquire lab equipment. Hence, schools save on the costs associated with acquiring and maintaining equipment.
2. Lab4Physics comes with predesigned experiments that are aligned with the curriculum map. Therefore, teachers can save time on lesson planning for their classes.
3. Lab4Physics helps to boost student motivation and academic performance because it allows students to take a leading role in the learning process.
4. Lab4Physics is easy to use and makes it so that learning physics is more accessible, comprehensible, and fun.
5. Because Lab4Physics helps students develop a number of fundamental skills for the 21st century, including: critical thinking, collaboration, communication and problem solving.
6. Schools receive a report on usage of the app where they can review the number of experiments completed by students, among other metrics.
7. Lab4Physics also offers professional development and support for physics teachers. The app comes with a teacher portal where teachers can find all of the resources they’ll need to plan their classes.
8. Lab4Physics allows students to experiment in and out of the classroom.
9. You don’t need an internet connection to use Lab4Physics. You only need internet once to download the app and the experiments.
10. Lab4Physics comes with 4 lab instruments that measure and generate data and graphs in real-time, without needing to wait or process anything. These instruments are the accelerometer, the speedometer, the sonometer, and the video tracker.
Want to learn more?
Then, check this awesome video to learn how students are using Lab4Physics in their classrooms:
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