Lab4U, Ashoka and Olivo Foundation transform our young people into Agents of Change through the development of STEM Skills
By Lab4U Team
Three important entities come together to raise awareness and demonstrate that we can all positively impact our community and consequently achieve unexpected goals. The program seeks to give greater access to science and contribute to the development of STEM skills and Agency of Change in school communities.
A Lab4U we allied with the Young Agents of Change Network Ashoka Chile, and together led by Olivo Foundation , this 2022 we developed a new version of the Scientific Education for Change Program, which seeks to give access to science and contribute to the development of STEM and Change Agency skills to students and teachers from seven establishments: Escuela Cabreria G-709, Purísima Concepción School in Pocillas, Pasión de Jesus Bicentennial School in Limache, Santa María de Quilicura Polivalente School, Padre José Kentenich School in Puente Alto, Integral Arturo Prat School in Talagante, and Quellón School in Chiloé.
Impacting more than 1,500 students +20 teachers, the program seeks to motivate students to become “Changemakers”, co-leaders in Chile and worldwide, and thus to impact locally and on a large scale with two main objectives: to guarantee that they recognize their power to change for everyone’s good and to strengthen their own skills for change.

For which, through Lab4U and our educational and experimental proposal, we promote access to science, which becomes a fundamental engine to encourage young people on this path, putting technology at the service of STEM education, with a strong strategy of teaching accompaniment, promoting scientific inquiry.
We share the transforming look that young people can contribute, not only as recipients of the message but as the motor of social change, with the Ashoka International Foundation, which brings together and cultivates a community of leaders who recognize that in today’s world it is necessary for all of us to be change agents.
“This has to do with understanding science, living science, sharing science to use it for a common good. We at ASHOKA push the vision that everything is used for the greater good to create a positive impact in their communities and this has been a precious experience of making science available for a common good with children who have participated from all parts of Chile. ” , Valentina Valech, Director at ASHOKA Chile Foundation.
Thus, on October 20th of this year we brought together representatives of the schools participating in the project at the Mirador Interactive Museum, MIM, bringing together students and teachers, to connect and present the Social Impact projects that these institutions developed during the year and that they sought to solve local problems.

“We have taken this model to different schools along the country and now we invite them to continue experimenting and putting it into practice in a place that is an icon in terms of bringing science closer to citizens, such as the MIM. We believe that it was a nice activity that strongly impacted and motivated the participants”, Komal Dadlani.