Back to school with Lab4U: A few tips to help you using our apps!
By Lab4U Team
We are happy to support and walk you into this new school year as we welcome you to Lab4U! We want to start this new adventure together, making sure you don’t encounter any obstacles to implementing Lab4U in your classroom.

If you’ve already downloaded one of the Lab4U apps, we congratulate you on joining our mission to reinvent education!
Now, in order to facilitate the process of downloading and using our applications with your class, we provided you with a few steps to follow!
First for your students to be able to use Lab4U’s application in your classroom, ideally you will need them to have access to the Internet.
We would recommend that you speak with the person in charge of IT at your school. And request a network that allows your students to download the App.
However, we’re aware that some schools’ internet connection is not powerful enough to support an entire class’s activity.
If this is the case for you don’t worry!
You can ask your students to download the application and the necessary experiments priorly to coming to class. Because our apps can also function offline!
Installing The App

Once they have internet access, your students should go to the online store on their device — either Play Store (Android), or App Store (iOS). There, they can search for “Lab4Physics” or “Lab4Chemistry”, select the application with the red or the purple icon, and download it.
Done? Good! Now once they open it up, the screen will display a short tutorial explaining them in 4 very simple steps how the app works.
How to create an account?
If they haven’t been given a username and password from Lab4U’s team, we suggest that your students go to
- “Create Account”
- Select “Student”
- And register using their Facebook account, Google account, or their own email address.
How to sign in with an institutional account?
If your students were already given a username and password from the Lab4U team already, they can select “Begin Session” and enter the user credentials assigned to them.

Once they’ve registered, they’ll be able to enter the app and start playing with the experiments and tools!
How to activate your 14 days free-trial?
To discover more experiments and explore a wider variety of tools you can activate a 14-day free trial, where you have access to all the features of the downloaded app.

To activate the free trial, go to the menu, select “Try Free Demo” and click on the button “Try Premium. (For 14 days)”.
After the trial period, you can buy the Premium version of the app. This will allow you to continue to use unlimitedly all the tools and experiments during 180 days!
Last recommendations
If your school doesn’t have internet access and your students have to download the application from somewhere else, make sure to clearly emphasize on the following points before they start downloading the app:
- Application names: Lab4Physics & Lab4Chemistry.
- Select the red icon for Lab4Physics or the purple icon for Lab4Chemistry.
- They must make sure they can access all of the necessary experiments and tools before coming to class.
- we also suggest that you select one student from each group, who will be responsible for reminding his or her classmates to download the applicatio. Before every session you’ve designated for conducting the experiments.
Now you´ll be ready to start this year and make your science class a source of inspiration for your students!
If you need any further information visit our Teacher Portal and feel free to contact us.
Thank you for working with us!
We wish you a year full of discoveries and inquiry.
Team Lab4U